The leading role in the film is costumed in medieval armor.
Middle English was spoken from about AD 1100 to 1450.
Many carbonate masses older than Middle Palaeozoic are of dolomite rather than calcite.
Certainly there seemed little harmony between this pagan literature and the medieval colleges at Christminster.
Something really boring happened to someone ugIy in the MiddIe Ages.
Metal sculptures of the female form recall the medieval chastity belt.
Middle English [ bone - setting ].
中古英语 [ 正骨法 ].
Middle English, gerund of lightnen [ to illuminate, ].
中古英语, lightnen的动名词 [ 照亮 ].
Middle English [ iron rim of a wheel ]
中古英语 [ 轮子的铁边 ]
Middle English up [ upward ].
中古英语up [ 向上(地) ].
The pictures there were all about mediaeval art.
It has the appearance, especially from a distance, of a mediaeval fortress.
它有中古世纪堡垒的外观, 特别是从远出看.
Influenced byMiddle English joue [ jaw ].
受中古英语joue的 影响 [ 颌 ].
Perhaps fromMiddle Low German dovel [ plug ].
可能源自中古低地德语dovel [ 塞子 ].
Are the melodies modal , tonal, or post - tonal?
他们是中古教会调式, 音调得, 后音乐调式?