She was basically fenced in by what the military wanted to do.
I am closing my fifty - two years of military service.
You know what he did for the first 17 of his 26 years in the Corps?
知道他26年军旅生涯的前17年是干什么 吗 ?
As he hated the army life, he decided to desert his regiment.
因为他不喜欢军旅生活, 他决定逃离所在部队.
Military life helps cultivate young people's sharp mind and agile actions.
The kettle drum has always been popular in military music.
In those days Philistines gathered their forces to fight against Israel.
Have you really decided on a career in the army?
Military life will discipline these bad boys.
An old soldier whodo his duty as God gave him the light to see duty.
His troops come together, and raise up their way against me, encamp round about my tabernacle.
12他的军旅一齐上来, 修筑战路攻击我, 在我帐棚的四围安营.
Danny was weak as a teenager, but four years in the army made him tough.
青少年时期的丹尼很软弱, 但四年的军旅生涯使他变得强悍.
And like the old soldier of that ballad, I now close my military career.
就象歌中的老兵一样, 我结束我的军旅生涯,只是淡出了人生舞台.
Have you really decided on a career in the army? What about your girlfriend?
你真的已经决定去过军旅生活了? 那你女朋友 怎么办 ?
Yesterday she was wearing a white blouse, military style vest, and dark blue trousers.
昨天她穿了件白色衬衫 、 军旅式马甲和黑色裤子.