
汉语拼音:jūn lǚ



  1. 部队。

    《周礼·地官·小司徒》:“五人为伍,五伍为两,四两为卒,五卒为旅,五旅为师,五师为军,以起军旅,以作田役。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·地真》:“能守一者,行万里,入军旅,涉大川,不须卜日择时。” 宋 范仲淹 《举欧阳修充经略掌书记状》:“其有将帅之能否,军旅之勇怯。”《清史稿·世祖纪二》:“今八旗人民,怠於武事,遂至军旅隳敝,不及曩时。”

  2. 作战或战争。

    《韩非子·难一》:“然必曰出於诈伪者,军旅之计也。” 唐 杜甫 《奉送王信崟北归》诗:“军旅应都息,寰区要尽收。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·太宗读金史》:“ 太宗 天资敏捷,虽於军旅之际,手不释卷。”

  3. 军事。

    《后汉书·郑太传》:“ 孔公绪 清谈高论,嘘枯吹生。并无军旅之才。” 宋 王安石 《和董伯懿咏裴晋公平淮西将佐题名》:“裹疮入朝议军旅,国火一再更檀槐。”《明史·忠义传七·米寿图》:“ 若騏 本不諳军旅,諂附 杨嗣昌 ,遂由刑曹调职方。” 陈毅 《秋过濮阳月下与人谈毛主席飞渝事》诗:“应知政事先军旅,岂有筑室谋道旁?”


    • She was basically fenced in by what the military wanted to do.


    • I am closing my fifty - two years of military service.


    • You know what he did for the first 17 of his 26 years in the Corps?

      知道他26年军旅生涯的前17年是干什么 吗 ?

    • As he hated the army life, he decided to desert his regiment.

      因为他不喜欢军旅生活, 他决定逃离所在部队.

    • Military life helps cultivate young people's sharp mind and agile actions.


    • The kettle drum has always been popular in military music.


    • In those days Philistines gathered their forces to fight against Israel.


    • Have you really decided on a career in the army?


    • Military life will discipline these bad boys.


    • An old soldier whodo his duty as God gave him the light to see duty.


    • His troops come together, and raise up their way against me, encamp round about my tabernacle.

      12他的军旅一齐上来, 修筑战路攻击我, 在我帐棚的四围安营.

    • Danny was weak as a teenager, but four years in the army made him tough.

      青少年时期的丹尼很软弱, 但四年的军旅生涯使他变得强悍.

    • And like the old soldier of that ballad, I now close my military career.

      就象歌中的老兵一样, 我结束我的军旅生涯,只是淡出了人生舞台.

    • Have you really decided on a career in the army? What about your girlfriend?

      你真的已经决定去过军旅生活了? 那你女朋友 怎么办 ?

    • Yesterday she was wearing a white blouse, military style vest, and dark blue trousers.

      昨天她穿了件白色衬衫 、 军旅式马甲和黑色裤子.