Louis Post-Dispatch article said of the Roundup Ready system, "this silver bullet of American agriculture is beginning to miss its mark. "
与此类似,《圣路易邮政快信》发表的文章也说抗草甘膦除草剂转基因作物系统“美国农业的这个银弹开始脱靶。”Hits and misses, determined by computers, would be watched and evaluated in post-flight meetings.
击中或脱靶由电脑确定,我们将在飞行后的讨论会上观看并评价这一过程。China's film, patriotic feeling is always alley, no error.
中国拍爱国主义情怀的电影,一向是拿手好戏,基本没有脱靶的。A vector multiplied by a scalar quantity is a vector in the same direction as the original vector.
描述了一种利用多普勒雷达原理进行脱靶矢量测量的方法。Miss distance parameters are estimated by matching pursuit algorithm to search the basis function which best matches the echo signal.
通过匹配追踪算法寻找与回波信号最匹配的基函数来确定脱靶量参数。This bias divided by the guidance loop gain will be the miss due to this cause .
这个偏差除以制导回路的放大系数,就是这个原因所引起的脱靶量。The results show that two forms of nonplanar maneuvers have bigger miss distance and better penetration effect.
结果表明,两种非平面机动方式比平面机动方式有更大的脱靶量.从而有更好的突防效果。Can the Referee's decision on a "Hit" or "Lost" target be overturned by the Jury or Jury of Appeal?
仲裁或申诉仲裁是否可以推翻裁判做出的“命中”或“脱靶”的判决?。This method guarantees the minimum of miss distance and energy consumption. It is suitable for attacking the fixed ground target.