Dongshan island bay, beach broadly, more than ShaBai, known as the "Oriental Hawaii" , is no better leisure tourism resort.
东山岛湾多、滩阔、沙白,被誉为“东方的夏威夷”,是消夏休闲旅游胜地。The fifth Chapter researches on the macro-level study of Changchun summer tourism product development measures.
第五章进一步从宏观上研究长春市消夏旅游产品开发措施。Midsummer season, enjoyment of the sea breezes , cool climate, is a good place for summer holidays.
盛夏季节,海风习习,气候清爽,是避暑消夏的好地方。Thus, from ancient times, people developed many activities to escape the heat of Dog Days.
因此,从古代起,人们就有了很多三伏天避暑消夏的活动。It's time to leave Paris for summer. It is getting hard to find anywhere to eat: even the Chinese-run sushi places are closing for August.
是时候离开巴黎去消夏了,寻找食肆都越来越难,即使是中国人开的寿司店到了8月也会关门谢客。Why not set up a bowling night once a month? Or grow a family garden? Or visit the same spot every year for summer vacation?
建立一个保龄球之夜,开辟一个私家花园,每年暑假时去固定的地方消夏,为什么不试试这些呢?Every summer, water-rich, fat cattle and sheep, the climate is nice and cool in the summer Summer is the ideal.
每年夏季,水草丰美,牛羊肥壮,气候凉爽宜人,是人们消夏避暑的理想之地。Last summer, I travelled to Mount Lu. Being cool and pleasant, it is a nice place to spend the summer.
去年夏天我去了一趟庐山,那里的天气凉爽怡人,这是个消夏的好地方。I. , the beach community where he had a summer home.