汉语拼音:bié kāi shēng miàn
唐杜甫《丹青引赠曹将军霸》诗:“凌烟功臣少颜色,将军下笔开生面。” 意思是凌烟阁里的功臣画像本来已经褪色了,只是经曹将军重画之后才显得有生气。后多用来形容文艺作品另创新的形式、风格等。
- 【解释】:生面:新的面目。原意是凌烟阁里的功臣画像本已褪色,经曹将军重画之后才显得有生气。比喻另外创出一种新的形式或局面。
- 【出自】:唐·杜甫《丹青诗》:“凌烟功臣少颜色,将军下笔开生面。”
- 【示例】:今日林妹妹这五首诗,亦可谓命意新奇,~了。
◎清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第六十四回 - 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、定语;形容不同一般
You can write on it with marker, or print a special label out of your computer. You can even give it a special cover too!
你可以用彩笔写字、用电脑印一个特别的标识,甚至做一个别开生面的CD套。Elijah did not need wild rituals, fancy words, or vivid mental images to get God's attention. He prayed a simple prayer to the one true God.
以利亚不需要用任何别开生面的仪式、花巧的说话或强烈的意像去吸引神的注意力,他只是向那位独一真神作出简单的祷告。Promising higher taxes to deflation-coshed voters just ahead of an important election would be a strange calculation in any country.
在一次重要选举前向饱受通货紧缩之苦的选民承诺提税,这在任何国家都是别开生面的。But a different form of resistance I saw was people organizing, making food, housing each other, healing each other.
但是我看到的另一种别开生面的反抗形式是人们组织起来,制作食物,为难民提供住所,彼此援助。Make sure that this kind of way will be never-ending impression for audience and themselves.
相信这一别开生面的“致敬”方式,将给观众和授印者留下永难磨灭的印象。launch of these boots, Dr Martens is launching a special collection to wow shoe lovers across the globe.
给了世界各地的鞋子爱好者一个惊喜:他们举办了一场别开生面的新品发布会。The two day event will also include what is sure to be a lively open dialogue called "Digital Media, Social Networking and Young People. "
此次为期两天的活动中还将就“数字媒体、社会网络与青少年参与”进行别开生面的公开讨论。We had made several prizes in this new way of business, but the last would have been extraordinary.
我们在这种别开生面的生意里也得到过几回好处,但是最后一次可说是很大的。Recently, volunteers came up with a fun sports day for parents and students from all five schools.