
汉语拼音:zhàng mu niáng



  1. 岳母。

    《儿女英雄传》第十一回:“这 安公子 才作了一天的女婿,又遇见这等一个不善词令的丈母娘,脸上有些下不来。” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第十三章:“面貌慈祥的丈母娘,用喜欢的眼光看着 生宝 ,若有所思。”


    • He had always found his wife's mother a bit annoying. The mother-daughter relationship, meanwhile, was close.


    • It wasn't exactly exciting either to have the empress as your mother - in - law .

      没劲,认皇后作 丈母娘,这姑爷准不好当.

    • Do you know the punishment for bigamy? Two mothers - in - law !

      [重婚罪]的惩罚为何? 便是拥有两个 丈母娘!

    • The maximum punishment for bigamy is said to be two mothers - in - law .

      据说重婚者受到的最大惩罚是——两个 丈母娘.

    • Do you know the punishment for bigamy? Two mother - in - laws .

      知道重婚后最大的惩罚是什么 吗 ?两个 丈母娘.

    • A popular variant of the dominant female is the mother - in - law .

      悍妇的一种流行变体是 丈母娘.

    • A mother - in - law on a honeymoon is a fifth wheel.

      度蜜月时, 丈母娘 是个大电灯泡.

    • A motherin - law on a honeymoon is a fifth wheel on a wagon.


    • My mother - in - law swears by it.

      我的 丈母娘 以它发誓.

    • What? My mother - in - law will be here next week?

      什么? 丈母娘 下星期要来这里 呀 ?