
  1. 莲的种子。椭圆形,肉呈乳白色,当中有绿色的莲心。

    《乐府诗集·清商曲词一·子夜夏歌之八》:“乘月採芙蓉,夜夜得莲子。” 清 纳兰性德 《清平乐》词之二:“莲子依然隐雾,菱花偷惜横波。” 茅盾 《小巫》四:“ 菱姐 把桂圆莲子汤端上楼去。”


    • Can the seed core that thoroughly cook eat together go down?

      煮熟的莲子芯可以一块吃下去 么 ?

    • Objective: To survey the resource of Alternanthera philoxeroides and discrepancy in quality.

      摘要目的: 了解空心莲子草资源分布及品质差异情况.

    • This is including the lotus seed of red garment namely.


    • The most important thing is Tremella, lotus seed drink some soup!

      最主要是银耳, 莲子汤多喝些!

    • Give me the lotus seed soup an some pineapple.


    • I'll tell you how to make this lotus seed into lotus pond.


    • With flavours of sweet orange, husked lotus. Dry and lively , rich, good aftertaste.

      此酒散发着柑桔和西蕃莲子的果香, 口感清爽, 带有淡淡的柑桔余味.

    • Conclusion: Alternanthera philoxeroidesare rich in natural resources and the quality is effected notably by ecological environment.

      结论: 空心莲子草植物资源丰富,其品质具有显著的生态地域性差异.

    • Whether walnut, peanut, melon seeds, chestnut, almond, seed calculate the plant fruit heart or not!

      核桃, 花生, 瓜子, 栗子, 杏仁, 莲子算不算植物果心!

    • There are lotus seed sweet soup made of white fungus and red dates.


    • Add lye water into lotus seeds , mix and leave aside for 20 minutes.

      在莲子中加入碱水, 混合均匀放置20分钟.

    • When sugar turns light brown, put in blended lotus paste and the remaining sugar.

      当糖变成浅棕色的时候, 加入搅拌好的莲子糊和剩下的糖.

    • The lotus seeds were wraped in the lotus seedpod , which looked very cute.


    • Lotus seeds hypnosis: delicious lotus Qingxiang, a heart - Yipi , nourishing and soothe the nerves, and other effects.

      莲子催眠: 莲子清香可口, 具有补心益脾 、 养血安神等功效.

    • Agasicles hygro phila a hollow philoxeroides important natural enemies of insect feeding exclusively.
