Citywide campaigns are trying to curb public spitting, discourage public cursing and littering and also promote lining up.
城市范围内的运动正在展开,试图遏制在公共场所吐痰,劝阻市民说脏话和乱丢垃圾并鼓励排队。Please keep the natatorium clean. Do not smoke , eat or drink in and along the swimming pool. Commit no nuisance.
五请自觉维护馆内卫生,不得在泳池边吸烟,吃食物,喝饮料,不得在池内吐痰,大小便。But family and school were normally able to convince them that spitting was wrong, so in most cases they gave up the practice.
但家庭和学校通常能够说服他们,让他们知道吐痰不好,因此多数情况下他们会摒弃这一行为。She was, like, the sixth person to spit on Mussolini's hanging body.
她是第六个在墨索里尼的尸体上吐痰的人Spitting is a common occurrence in infants and is usually of no consequence.
随地吐痰是一种常见的发生在婴儿和通常的任何后果。It would run up to people hissing and spitting if they happened to stumble across it unawares, although it never harmed anyone.
它会跑到人嘶嘶及随地吐痰,如果他们碰巧偶然发现它措手不及,但它从来没有伤害任何人。Have no doubt that public spitting does indeed influence how foreign visitors view the Chinese.
毫无疑问,随地吐痰的的确确影响着外国人对中国人的看法。It's bad for you to spit on the ground. Smoking is bad for your health.
随地吐痰不好。抽烟不利于你的健康。Mumbai is one of India's filthiest cities. Piles of garbage litter main roads and people can be seen spitting while walking on public roads.