It was more than I could bear when she blamed all the failure on me.
当她把失败完全归咎于我的时候我再也忍无可忍了。Carol: I can't help it. Ignorance nauseates me! If I haven't mentioned it before, let me mention it now; you're a real disappointment to me.
卡罗尔:我忍无可忍,因为无知使我恶心,如果我以前没说过,那我现在说,我对你完全失望了。Manet senior had never been impressed by his son attending drawing classes, so this bad news was the final straw.
老马奈对儿子参加绘画班从来就不以为然,于是这个坏消息终于使他忍无可忍。When all this fails, Rachel decides to leave right away for London to tell Ross how she feels.
但忍无可忍的瑞秋最终决定赶往伦敦对罗斯一诉衷肠。He was so homesick that he could hardly endure the misery of it. The tears lay very near the surface.
他非常想家,简直忍无可忍,泪水在眼眶里打着转儿。His wife gave him a piece of her mind every day, which he had enough of.
他妻子每天都训斥他,而他对此忍无可忍。He had stood as much as he could and when he couldn't take it anymore he showed them the door.
父亲已经尽可能忍受她们的所作所为,但终于还是忍无可忍,他还是赶了她们出门。I can no longer out uo with his way; he always treats me as a child.
我对他已忍无可忍,他总是把我当孩子看待。Toddy Beamish opposed everything he said by a monotonous but effective "So you say, " and drove him to the limit of his patience.