But it's not easy to turn a normal book to braille. Proofreaders often need to check the copy 3 times, word by word.
但是要把一本普通的书变成盲文却不容易。校对者需要把副本逐字检查3次。Dobrynin, subdued, said he would report this to his leaders as a "direct quotation" .
多勃雷宁态度缓和地说,他将把这的情况“逐字逐句”地向他的领导人汇报。Do not read out verbatim the contents of the screen without adding any other on, the audience will feel dull.
不要逐字读出屏幕上的内容而不添加任何其他讲解,观众会觉得索然无味。No matter what he said, the world will see him as the Chinese governments official position, to analyze word for word interpretation.
不管他说了什么,世界各地都会把他看成是中国政府的官方立场,逐字逐句地加以浅析浅析解读。Ellsberg said he had studied every word of the Pentagon Papers and carefully weighed whether their release would harm anyone.
艾斯伯格说,他那时逐字逐句对国防部文件进行了研读,并小心权衡发布这些文件是否会伤及任何人。Instead of trying to read every line and word, consider the following suggestions for more efficient and effective course reading.
相对于逐字逐行的阅读方式,请参考以下建议让阅读更为有效率。Note that transcripts do not contain capitalization and punctuation, so your model should not rely on this information.
注意,演讲逐字稿中没有标示大写和加标点,因此设计的模型不能依赖这些资讯。Levchenko did not take notes, but the speech so burned into his memory that he could almost quote it verbatim.
列夫钦科并没有做记录,因为那次讲话给他的印象太深了,所以任何时候他都几乎能逐字逐句地背出来。because it shows hat an early childhood memory can do for a man when he's faced with the imminent death of his own father.