
汉语拼音:dì yī

藻类与某些低等光 合生物之间稳定而又互利的共生联合体。分布很广,能生活在各种环境中。在岩石风化和土壤形成中起 重要作用,少数也供食用,多种还可提制染料、香料等。


  1. 即地毯。

    唐 白居易 《红绣毬》诗:“地不知寒人要暖,少夺人衣作地衣。” 明 汤显祖 《邯郸记·入梦》:“堂上古画古琴,寳鼎铜雀,碧珊瑚,红地衣。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第五幕:“草原的后方,搭起一个平坛,这是为了单于晋封阏氏的仪式准备的。坛上铺着锦绣的地衣。”

  2. 低等植物的一类。植物体是菌和藻的共生体,种类很多,生长在地面、树皮或岩石上,特别能耐干、寒。

    萧红 《小城三月》一:“三月的原野已经绿了,象地衣那样绿,透出在这里,那里。”

  3. 车前草的别名。见 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·草五·车前》。


    • The stone stairway was covered with lichen.


    • The tombstone was lichenous and crumbling.


    • The only plants to be found in Antarctica are algae, mosses, and lichens.

      在南极洲所发现的植物只有藻类 、 苔藓和地衣.

    • Lichen is a form in which green or bluegreen algae and a fungus live together symbiotically.


    • Wu sp . nov. and Seimatosporium Lichenicola ( Cda ) Shoemaker & Muller.

      和地衣生盘双端毛孢(Seimatosporiumlichenicola ( Cda) Shoemaker&Muller ).

    • Litmus: Mixture of coloured organic compounds obtained from several species of lichens.

      石蕊: 从几种地衣类植物中获取的带色有机化合物的混合物.

    • Usually the fungus is an ascomycete but occasionally it is a basidiomycete.


    • A brittle, grayish - brown, Arctic lichen ( Cetraria islandica ) sometimes a food or in medicine.

      一种易碎 、 绿褐色的北冰洋地衣植物 ( 冰岛衣冰岛衣属 ),有时用作食物或药物.

    • She struck the snow from the branches of an old cedar with gray lichen.


    • Note: Zeolete is supplemented feed additionally, Xyol - Oligosaccharides and Bacillus licheniformis are added to the premix directly.

      注: 上述沸石粉为额外添加,低聚木糖和地衣芽孢杆菌直接添加到预混料中.

    • Everything, pretty much, tastes like the mosses of tundra, dug up in mid - winter.

      这些东西, 有相当多一部分, 尝起来就像深冬季节挖出的冻土带的地衣.

    • Lichens, which grow slowly and live for many years, result from fungi and algae living together.


    • The activity of acid phosphatase in lichen was mainly dependent on the photobiont.


    • He also published flora covering all the Scandinavian countries and an important work on European lichens.


    • A lot of secondary metabolites such and were produced by lichens, a class of unique organisms.

      地衣是一类独特的生物有机体,其体内合成了多种特殊的次生代谢产物,主要为缩酚酸、缩酚酸环醚 、 缩酚酮、二苯并呋喃等类化合物.