Although many of my friends like all the funds within a time into the securities market, but I agree that the money invested in batches.
虽然很多朋友喜欢在一个时间内把所有资金投入证券市场,但我更同意分期分批将钱投入。Ensure all data is entered completely into the hotel systems in accordance with each reservation.
确保所有数据均已按照预定分期分批地、完整地输入了酒店系统之中。Later Tiangong versions will go on longer missions to prepare for the launch of the space station in parts.
随后天宫系列将执行时间更长的任务,为分期分批发射空间站的各部分做准备。The retrospective also draws lessons from experience for the design of conditionality and loan tranching and phasing.
该报告还总结了贷款条件及贷款分期分批设计方面的经验教训。To rebuild rehousing , "Chengzhongcun" transformation priorities of Public Health, and other industries can be tilted, and similar supplies.
对危改安置居民、“城中村”改造优先安排,对教科文卫等行业,可以倾斜,分期分批供应。Again, many of the podcast audiobooks produced are those in the public domain, but some authors are doing installments of their own books.
播客上的有声书籍一般都是公共网站上的东西,但有的作者喜欢分期分批制作他们自己的作品。Article 42 Future companies shall complete the switch in account opening systems in phases and in batches according to the overall plan.
第四十二条期货公司应当按照统一部署分期分批完成开户系统切换工作。Others shall control or prohibit the production and use of solid clay brick by stages and groups according to the state plan.