After the stopping of the telescreen the room seemed deadly silent.
" The circus has begun again. " Chueh - hui's bright voice broke the silence.
“ 又有把戏看了, ” 觉慧 的响亮的声音,打破了房里难堪的静寂.
From time to time his sharp cough broke the rather frightening stillness.
Hung - chien knew this was the lull before the storm.
鸿 渐 知道这是暴风雨前的静寂.
Silence again descended on the street.
At length, save for an occasional rustle, the shelter was silent.
后来, 除了偶而的沙沙声外, 避难所里静寂无声.
The boundless woods were sleeping in the deep repose of nature.
As they fell silent the room was stiller than a country lane.
The sudden sound of footsteps in silence made her blood run cold.
His tune had banished death's silence.
Heavy rains are followed by clear sky, strong winds by light winds or calms.
大雨过后,天空晴朗; 狂风以后,微风或静寂.
Silent as a dream, a white rope of water coiled between its frozen banks.
一条白色的水练,静寂得象梦一样, 在结了冰的堤岸中间蜿蜒流进.
The creek, still and soundless, is closed in by trees, hidden from the eyes of men.
这条小港湾, 静寂无声, 树木环绕, 简直是个世外桃源.
As thunder pierced the hollow stillness, I looked at Mother and suddenly knew her secret.
隆隆雷声划破空谷中的静寂, 我看着母亲,突然间发现了她的秘密.
The quiet of the operating theater was suddenly shattered by a loud oath.