汉语拼音:bù xiāng shàng xià
- 【解释】:分不出高低好坏。形容水平相当。
- 【出自】:唐·陆龟蒙《蠹化》:“翳叶仰啮,如饥蚕之速,不相上下。”
- 【示例】:以愚观之,晋楚互为雌雄,~。
◎明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第五十五回 - 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语、补语;用于人与无
"His lifestyle, " the authors conclude, "can be compared to that of a Persian Gulf monarch or a flamboyant oligarch. "
“他的生活方式,”报告作者总结道,“和波斯湾的王室,或炫耀招摇的寡头不相上下。”But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.
倘若世界非得消亡两次,我想自己充分体验过恨可以说冰之于毁灭力量之大不相上下而且绰绰有余。But it may be coming too late to the party with a mid-priced phone that likely catches up to rivals but won't leave them in the dust.
但这步棋可能下得太晚了。这样一部中等价位的手机也许与竞争对手不相上下,但却无法独占鳌头。In fact, JAXB is probably just as flexible as either of the two previous methods shown in terms of setting up output properties.
事实上,JAXB在设置输出属性方面的灵活性与前面两种方法是不相上下的。With only a week to go, the polls show that the two candidates are running neck and neck. The race is still so.
离选举只有一星期了,民意测验结果显示两名侯选人不相上下,竞争如此激烈,所以可能要到最后一刻结果才见分晓。But this is Japan, whose age-old belief in nature is at least evenly matched by an unyielding faith in technology.
对自然有着由来已久的信仰,同时也对科技有着不屈的信念,这两者至少是不相上下的。这就是日本。Schumpeter rivalled Keynes in range of experience and subtlety of thought, and surpassed him in breadth of scholarship.
在经历和思考的精微方面,熊彼特与凯恩斯不相上下,在知识广度方面则超过了凯恩斯。Fiorentina have had a great season and without the Calciopoli penalty we have more or less the same number of points.
佛罗伦萨这个赛季踢得非常好,如果不是因为电话门罚分,我们两队积分会不相上下。Besides, another dairy-girl was as good as she, it seemed, in that respect.