
汉语拼音:huǒ tàn



  1. 燃烧着的柴炭。

    南朝 梁 宗懔 《荆楚岁时记》:“《经》云: 目连 见其亡母在饿鬼中,即鉢盛饭,往餉其母,食未入口,化成火炭,遂不得食。” 元 郑廷玉 《忍字记》楔子:“孩儿每,那里与我扶将那君子进来,讨些火炭来盪些热酒与他喫。”《东北人民抗日歌谣选·抗联机密不泄漏》:“皮鞭打,火炭烧,针刺手,梁上吊;头可断,血可流,抗联机密不泄漏。”


    • Then she seized the chunk of fire and suddenly thrust it almost into the boy's face.


    • Mary, get me a silk thread, and a chunk of fire out of the kitchen. "

      玛丽, 拿根丝线给我, 再到厨房去弄块烧红的火炭来. ”

    • The LORD thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded.

      耶和华也在天上打雷.至高者发出声音, 便有冰雹火炭.

    • They rented a flat at Fotan, New Territories, Hong Kong and settled down.

      他们在香港新界的火炭租了一套房子, 住了下来.

    • Smoke rose in his nostrils devouring fire poured from his mouth ; it kindled coals into flame.


    • Out of the brightness of his presence clouds advanced , with hailstones and bolts of lightning.


    • Can one go upon hot coals and his feet not be burned?

      人若在火炭上走,脚岂能不烫 呢 .

    • Out of the brightness before Him Fiery coals were kindled.


    • The LORD thundered from heaven the voice the Most High resounded.


    • Or can a man walk on hot coals And his feet not be scorched?

      箴6:28人若在火炭上走、脚岂能不烫 呢 .

    • Can a man walk on hot coals And his feet not be scorched?

      28人若在火炭上走,脚岂能不灼伤 呢 ?