This time, he's starring as well, as a professional bank robber who falls for the manager of the bank he's just laid the smackdown on.
这次,他还亲自上阵扮演一个职业银行大盗,而且还爱上了他刚打劫的银行的经理。But I cannot understand why I should be made to feel like John Dillinger3 every time I buy a tank of gasoline.
我理解经销商的难处,我也理解警方的处境,但是我不明白为什么每次加一箱油都弄得我感觉像大盗约翰·狄林杰似的。And a great deal of network bank theft affairs happened recently knocked the alarm bell for information security of network bank system.
而近期发生的网银大盗横行网络的一系列事件,也再一次为网络银行系统的信息安全敲响了警钟。He is the chief of the forty thieves! I have killed him for you and your son.
他正是四十大盗的首领!我是为了你和令郎才杀他的。"The Spanish sea black thieves" , "devil" , "blood hand sea overlord" , this is all children aspire to the title.
“西班牙海上黑衣大盗”,“血手魔王”,“海上霸王”,这都是孩子们向往的头衔。Someday one of the big Robber Zhi's disciples asked him if there was Tao that we as robber should abide by?
有一天,大盗跖的徒弟问盗跖,在我们强盗这一行里,也有大家遵行的道吗?Even the great thief Kandata could only squirm like a dying frog as he choked in the Lake of Blood.
所以,恁是大盗犍陀多,也像只濒死的青蛙,在血池里,惟有一面咽着血水,一面苦苦挣扎而已。Once, before he became an outlaw, he decided to enter a contest to prove his skill.
在他成为绿林大盗之前,有一次,他决定参加一场比赛,以证明他的武艺。A petty thief is put in jail. A great brigand becomes a ruler of a State.