
汉语拼音:tiān wáng





  1. 天子。

    春秋 时特指 周 天子。《春秋·隐公元年》:“秋七月,天王使宰 咺 来归 惠公仲子 之賵。” 孔颖达 疏:“天王, 周平王 也。” 清 顾炎武 《日知录·天王》:“《尚书》之文,但称王,《春秋》则曰天王,以当时 楚 吴 徐 越 皆僭称王,故加天以别之也。”

  2. 称帝王。

    《庄子·天道》:“昔者 舜 问於 尧 曰:‘天王之用心何如?’” 汉 王符 《潜夫论·巫列》:“及民间缮治,微蔑小禁,本非天王所当惮也。” 唐 杜甫 《忆昔》诗之二:“ 犬戎 直来坐御床,百官跣足随天王。” 清 陈梦雷 《杨椒山先生祠》诗:“化碧有怀酬侠客,控寃无路达天王。”

  3. 指诸侯。

    《南齐书·晋安王子懋传》:“ 子懋 谓曰:‘朝廷令身单身而反,身是天王,岂可过尔轻率。’”

  4. 比喻至尊至贵,最有权势的人。

    《红楼梦》第四六回:“我这一辈子,别説是 宝玉 ,就是‘宝金’、‘宝银’、‘宝天王’、‘宝皇帝’,横竖不嫁人就完了!”

  5. 太平天囯 领袖 洪秀全 的称号。

  6. 印度 宗教传说中的天界之王。佛教称护法神为天王,如毗沙门天王、四天王。


    • Monkey wielded his cudgel and hit Ne Zha from Behind . Ne Zha was forced to withdraw.

      托塔天王李靖见两将俱败, 不能取胜,便急忙鸣金收兵.

    • Jay Chou is an awesome king of music from top to bottom.


    • They were just like Jim and Tommy and May in these days.


    • Sky king cover ground tiger!


    • He skyrocketed as a new Prince of Canton - pop.


    • The Spaniard moved up to Roger by 770 points, but still lies 2960 points behind him.

      纳达尔向费德勒追了770分, 不过要想超过天王还得再努力2960分.

    • One of the most compelling but also a few small king Jay Chou.


    • The entertainment industry has nicknamed him a small king. But a title Chou insists he hates.

      娱乐界奉他为“小天王”, 但他本人并不喜欢这个称呼.

    • King of attack is always mixed, wide tune hard truth we all know that in mind.

      天王出击总是褒贬不一的, 众口难调的道理大家心里都明白.

    • Bird said he still has confidence in Jasikevicius.


    • Despite tense angles from Mars to Saturn, Uranus and Pluto, August will go surprisingly well.

      总之,别管那火土 、 天王冥王之间的紧张相位了, 八月整体上非常不错.

    • Sky king cover earth tiger, precious tower stop river monster!

      天王盖地虎, 宝塔镇河妖!

    • Uranus Pisces is clearly evident in the use of water ( Pisces ) to produce electricity ( Uranus ).

      这简直是天王入住双鱼的最好体现——使用水 ( 双鱼 ) 来制造电 ( 天王 ).

    • And the Heavenly King certainly deserves our soothing efforts.


    • He is not a king , he says, at least he wasn't before he shot to stardom.

      他说,他不是天王, 至少成名前不是.