Monkey wielded his cudgel and hit Ne Zha from Behind . Ne Zha was forced to withdraw.
托塔天王李靖见两将俱败, 不能取胜,便急忙鸣金收兵.
Jay Chou is an awesome king of music from top to bottom.
They were just like Jim and Tommy and May in these days.
Sky king cover ground tiger!
He skyrocketed as a new Prince of Canton - pop.
The Spaniard moved up to Roger by 770 points, but still lies 2960 points behind him.
纳达尔向费德勒追了770分, 不过要想超过天王还得再努力2960分.
One of the most compelling but also a few small king Jay Chou.
The entertainment industry has nicknamed him a small king. But a title Chou insists he hates.
娱乐界奉他为“小天王”, 但他本人并不喜欢这个称呼.
King of attack is always mixed, wide tune hard truth we all know that in mind.
天王出击总是褒贬不一的, 众口难调的道理大家心里都明白.
Bird said he still has confidence in Jasikevicius.
Despite tense angles from Mars to Saturn, Uranus and Pluto, August will go surprisingly well.
总之,别管那火土 、 天王冥王之间的紧张相位了, 八月整体上非常不错.
Sky king cover earth tiger, precious tower stop river monster!
天王盖地虎, 宝塔镇河妖!
Uranus Pisces is clearly evident in the use of water ( Pisces ) to produce electricity ( Uranus ).
这简直是天王入住双鱼的最好体现——使用水 ( 双鱼 ) 来制造电 ( 天王 ).
And the Heavenly King certainly deserves our soothing efforts.
He is not a king , he says, at least he wasn't before he shot to stardom.
他说,他不是天王, 至少成名前不是.