The QEMU documentation provides information on many obscure options, but you may be able to get by with just a few.
QEMU文档提供了一些模糊的选项的信息,但还是能够理解一二的。Well he said that if you meet a girl you like, you will hold her gaze for a second or two longer than if you were talking to a man.
他说,如果遇到一个你喜欢的女孩,说话时你会更久地盯着她的眼睛,比跟一个男人说话时,多看一二秒钟。Abode his Hour or two, and went his way.
度过一二个时辰,然后离开。But I don't want to say that you need all of these characteristics to be interesting. Only one or two are needed.
但并不是指,你需要具备所有的特征才能成为有趣的人,仅需其中一二即可。You can monitor your resting heart rate over time, writing down the heart rate each morning for a few weeks.
您可以在一段时间内监测您的静态心律,记录一二周每天清晨的静态心率。They are not best sellers for a year or two. They are enduring best sellers.
它们不是一二年的畅销书籍,而是经久不衰的畅销书籍。Observe whether the travel agency staff to promote their products well-trained, competent and can infer the case of travel agency or two.
观察旅行社推销产品的员工是否训练有素,精明强干,即可对旅行社的情形推知一二。Feeling poorer and with fewer people prepared to lend them money, consumers are cutting back: witness the slump in car sales.
倍感贫困,无钱可借,消费者可谓如坐针毡,看看汽车销量的陡然下滑便知一二。Although I knew even in the dream that surprise was the normal reaction and that the lack of it was to be disturbed, a warning.