
汉语拼音:gè bǎ



  1. 约略之词。一两个。

    《水浒传》第十四回:“ 晁盖 动问道:‘敝村曾拿得个把小贼么?’”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十三:“ 六老 呆呆的等了个把时辰。”《官场现形记》第三三回:“从此简在帝心,陈臬开藩,都是意中之事,放个把实缺,小焉者也,算不得什么。” 毛泽东 《论持久战·兵民是胜利之本》:“军队须和民众打成一片,使军队在民众眼睛中看成是自己的军队,这个军队便无敌于天下,个把 日本 帝国主义是不够打的。”

  2. 指一个,犹个。

    张天翼 《万仞约》:“据说要是在前 清 --写得了这么一手字的就能够当个把秀才哩。”

  3. 箇把:谓一两个。《水浒传》第十四回:“ 晁盖 动问道:‘敝村曾拿得箇把小贼么?’”《西游补》第一回:“我前日打杀得箇把妖精,师父就要念咒。”


  • Kumar realizes that it could take years for his application to move through the queue, and he's growing restless to start his own business.


  • From the chat record to see, this man will only follow her to make her happy, also a week when it comes to husband wife fit.


  • These three had elaborated old Major's teachings into a complete system of thought, to which they gave the name of Animalism.


  • During the hour or thereabouts that he had been in the garden he had already spread out a number of them.


  • He smiled when he saw that she took him seriously, and he thought what a chance it would afford for a possible junket of a week or two.


  • Soon after, Chinese officials predicted that negotiations intended to pressure the North to disarm would be "shelved for a few months. "


  • "Thanks, Captain, " Keane said, unable to keep the sarcasm from his voice. "I enjoy a night in the tank every now and then. "


  • Occasionally a girl of intelligence and spirit would insist on the fulfilment of the terms of her indentures.


  • This ran from the point of charcoal, boil the boiler to the engine, drive away the need to weigh anchor for an hour can.
