Missive . You send a one - way telepathic message to subject.
心灵短讯: 向目标送出一条 单向 的心灵短讯.
Password and Account detail will send to you by Email and SMS.
Your purchased SMS Credits is lasted for one year.
Do you agree to receive SMS claim notification via your mobile phone?
阁下是否愿意以手机短讯(SMS) 接收索偿通知?
Candice: I'm checking my messages right now. I'm pretty nervous.
坎迪斯: 我正在查看手机短讯, 我蛮紧张的.
You will not be charged for unsuccessful SMS due to incorrect command.
An admission number will be issued via SMS before the event.
That's the end of our news bulletin.
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.
Specify all modem and network parameters for sending SMS eg PIN, Service Centre, Validity period etc.
指定所有的调制解调器和网络参数为发送短讯,例如针, 服务中心, 有效期等.
This option is now using the'name field of the contact to display the message.
这选项现在用“名称 ” 来显示短讯了.
Also, appreciate all your New Year Cards, SMSs, E - mails, Phone calls, and all kind of greetings.
同时, 非常感谢大家的新年贺卡 、 手机短讯 、 电邮 、 电话来电, 以及各类的祝福.
Please provide mobile phone mail address far as possible such that HKICHE may contact you bye - mail.
How long will my SMS credits expired?
Roaming GPRS fee is charged for sending or receiving international MMS while roaming.