
汉语拼音:guān zhōng

1.指陕西省关中平原(也叫渭 河平原或关中盆地)。东起潼关,西至宝鸡,南接秦岭,北抵陕北高原,东西长约300千米,号称八百里 秦川。以土地肥沃,农产富饶著名。

2.古地区名。1.指函谷关以西、陇关以东的地区。2.指函谷关以西 战国末秦国故地,包括秦岭以南的汉中、巴蜀在内(但一般说法不包括秦岭以南的汉中、巴蜀)。3.指今 陕西地区。


    • " Colours of autumn, out of the west, Enter advancing through the city ; "

      秋色从西来, 苍然满 关中.

    • There existed many rivers named QiJu water in history.


    • Cooked wheat food of Shanxi province is very delicious.


    • The results indicate that the soil - drying layer is widely distributed and has extended to Guanzhong Plain.


    • If you are the winner after 4 competitions, you will get a trophy cup.

      在四轮闯关中的获胜的队伍, 将获得小巧手奖杯.

    • It is located in the Guanzhong Plain in the Yellow River Basin in the central.


    • The quantity of the school land and the land of temple fair is little too.


    • Guanzhong area to eat soup dumplings should be put sauce, parsley sauce and so on.

      关中地区吃汤饺时要放酱油 、 香菜等佐料.

    • The province is divided into three natural regions: Northern Shaanxi Plateau, Guanzhong Plain and Hanzhong Basin.

      依天然地形,可分陕北高原 、 关中平原、汉中盆地三区.

    • The simple cultivating technique of transgenic resist - pest cotton was discussed in this paper.


    • We chose guan zhong dairy goat which have good lactation performance for this study.


    • We also analyse the PPPoE and the software structure of the SOHO gateway.


    • In Central Shaanxi area, winter wheat spread once has been restricted by drought.

      在关中地区, 干旱的困扰一度制约了冬麦的推广和普及.

    • This solution has been adopted in the VoIP gateway with embedded Linux platform.

      该方案设计简单实用,目前已成功运用于基于嵌入式Linux平台的VoIP网 关中.