I would offer a caveat for those who want to join me in the dual calling.
Can Swindon succeed where the tech giants have failed?
斯温登会步这些铩羽而归科技巨头的后尘 吗 ?
Singaporeans have no wish of seeing Singapore go down the wrong path.
Reynaud wished to follow their example , and with much more solid resources.
雷诺愿意步它们的后尘, 而且他有更多的可靠的手段.
The son followed his father's footstep; a chip off the old block.
儿子步老爸的后尘; 有其父必有其子.
A German lender succumbs to perverse incentives. Who's next?
一德国贷方受制屈服于非正当(投资)动机. 谁将步其后尘?
These are followed by Nigeria and the Cameroons.
So far, so cod - medieval.
迄今为止, 仿中世纪也步其后尘.
My main goal was to escape the struggles my working - class parents lived with every day.
我的父母都是 工人阶级,每天都必须操劳,而我当时最大的愿望就是不步他们的后尘.
He decided to follow in the footsteps of all his brothers and join the family company.
He said that he will step 6 Cool Network CEO Li Shanyou start entrepreneurial footsteps.
Charter Communications, which has 14 working for it in Roxboro, followed suit in March.
Charter通信在本地有14名员工, 3月份也步了Aleris的后尘.
Thousands of chinese Chinese factories have already closed and more will no doubt follow.
Many outsiders expected Mr Castro swiftly to go the way of the Berlin Wall.