汉语拼音:chū chū máo lú
- 【解释】:茅庐:草房。原比喻新露头脚。现比喻刚离开家庭或学校出来工作。缺乏经验。
- 【出自】:明·罗贯中《三国演义》第三九回:“直须惊破曹公胆,初出茅庐第一功。”
- 【示例】:那傻小子是“~”,我们准可以扫光他!
- 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、宾语、定语;用于刚出道
I was young, not long out of college, and possessed only a few years of documented experience.
我年轻,初出茅庐,仅仅拥有几年的文案经验。The historian says 'it's great' Mr. Ross lives at home, and it's easy to understand why a fledgling ballplayer would want to.
这位历史学家认为,罗斯和家人在一起生活“很不错”,他非常理解一位初出茅庐的球员为什么会选择这种生活方式。She starred in the first series to "draw the Rainbow, " but she did not Fledglings astonishing performance in the move.
她出演的第一部电视剧是《画出彩虹》,但初出茅庐的她并无表现中惊人之举。One of the best pieces of advice Lemov ever received as a novice teacher was to stand still when giving directions to a class.
在作为一个教师初出茅庐的时候,Lemo收到的最有用的一条建议是在给全班进行指示的时候站着别动。Bacall, in her film debut, oozes the kind of sex appeal that most starlets can only dream of.
在她的荧屏处女秀上,巴考尔就展现了大部分初出茅庐的小明星所梦寐以求的性感魅力。It's like the cynical editor who tells the cub reporter, "If your mother says she loves you, check it out. "
就像愤世嫉俗的编辑对初出茅庐的记者说:“如果你妈妈说她爱你,那就去确认一下吧。”The Democratic senator from Montana was a novice in the rough world of rodeo three decades ago, but when challenged he did not hesitate.
这位来自蒙大拿州的议员在30年前残酷牛仔竞技世界里还是个初出茅庐的新人,但是面对挑战,他毫不犹疑。Peel, who died in 1850, emerges in Lord Hurd's hands from his early Victorian chrysalis into a much brighter, more relevant figure.
皮尔于1850年去世,关于他如何在维多利亚女王时代初出茅庐后逐渐成为一个前途光明的人物,在赫德的书中都能找到答案。I was a fledgling writer at the time of our introduction, just about to publish my first novel.