He's even recognized in public, such as the night two men followed him into a restaurant restroom to ask for his autograph.
由于出演AV爆的大名,德田甚至会被观众在公众场合认出来,例如某晚有两个年轻人为了要一张他的签名儿一直尾随他进了一家餐厅。he said in endorsing Security Council Resolutin 1441, council members assumed a heavy responsibility to put their will behind their words.
在签署联合国安全理事会第1441号决议时,他说:众理事会成员在签名前考虑了其沉重的责任。And in a way you could say it was an alien he saw, an old western lady among the crowd of Chinese students .
他在一大群等待他签名的中国学生当中,见到了一个上了年纪的西方女人。If so scrivener will, the will must be signed by me in, and have two or more witnesses testimony.
如是代书遗嘱,也必须由本人在遗嘱上签名,并要有两个以上见证人在场见证。She said she collected 50 signatures on a petition sent to officials, but that it had fallen on deaf ears.
她说她收集50个签名在一个请愿书上,送到行政官员,但这已经被置若罔闻。Tourists stop to pose with him for photographs or get an autograph.
乘客们会停下来和他合影或是找他签名。If I had the chance, I would like to ask Yaoming to autograph my basketball.
如果有机会,我想请姚明在我的篮球上签名。The baseball star wrote his autograph for an admirer who came up to him with a pencil and scorecard.
当崇拜者递过来一支铅笔和记分卡时,这位棒球名星为之签名。And when that bill came to my desk from the Congress for my signature, the heart of the voting provision had been eliminated.