Appreciate every bit of good in my life. Think in terms of each thing you touch (i. e. your pillow) and do (i. e. walking, seeing).
感激生活中点点滴滴美好的事物。想想每一件你接触的事物(如,枕头)和做过的事情(如,散步和所见所闻)。If I had to pick a single image to sum up what I've seen so far in Morocco, I guess it would have to be this one.
如果我不得不选一张图像来描述我在摩洛哥所见所闻,我想会是这张照片。Like the wind, he travels everywhere to collect all the sights and sounds he can pick on his way.
像风一般,他的旅途遍布各地,收集着路上的一切所见所闻。At the boy 's last remark, the bookseller looked at him curiously. I told him what I had seen and heard at the five other places.
有这个男孩最后的谈论中,这位书商很好奇地看著他。我告诉他,我在其它五个地方的所见所闻。书商给了他一支漂亮的铅笔和一些书写纸。Trust your own reactions to the head, to the staff, and to all that you see and hear, says Dr Holden.
霍尔登博士指出,要相信你对校长、教师和一切所见所闻的反应。He is trying to put what he saw and heard into words.
他努力用文字来表达他的所见所闻。His explanation, the next day, was accepted by a weary officer, who by that stage had seen and heard just about everything.
第二天,他向军官解释。那军官所见所闻这时已是无奇不有,也懒得理会了。Anderson wants to be a screenwriter, to tell the story of what he saw.
与此同时,安德森说,他想要当一名剧作家,把自己的所见所闻,告诉世人。She never failed to describe the events of her day from the kitchen at the top of her voice .