
汉语拼音:dà qiān shì jiè

三千大千世界 的简称。佛教用语。古印度传说中的一个极大范围的世界。以须弥山为中心,同一日月所照的东、西、南、北四个洲(人类只住在其中一个洲)为一小世界,合一千个小世界为小千世界,一千个小千世界为中 千世界,一千个中千世界为大千世界。佛教沿用其说,指释迦牟尼所教化的范围。


  • 【解释】:佛教用语,世界的千倍叫小千世界,小千世界的千倍叫中千世界,中千世界的千倍叫大千世界。后指广大无边的人世。
  • 【出自】:宋·释道原《景德传灯录》卷九:“长老身材勿量大,笠子太小生。师云:‘虽然如此大千世界总在里许。’”
  • 【示例】:~无奇不有,充满了矛盾。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作主语;指广大无边的世界


    • We realize that we are infinitely small within the scheme of things.


    • Strange that Creation , designed expressly for Monseigneur, should be so soon wrung dry and squeezed out!

      奇怪的是, 专为爵爷大人们设计的大千世界竟然会那么快就被绞尽了、榨干了!

    • The panorama of color and action which fills the world is taken for granted.


    • Don't be afraid of the world, it's not so big as It'seems.

      别怕这个大千世界, 它可没像看上去那么大.

    • Boundless, Red Dust billowing, in all mortal beings, in the vast sea.

      大千世界, 红尘滚滚, 于芸芸众生 、 茫茫人海中.

    • Endlessly varied art thou in the exuberant world, Lady of Manifold Magnificence.

      大千世界里,你无穷无尽地变幻, 华丽多姿的姑娘.

    • The world of water adds infinite fascination to science.


    • For us common folk, blue may mirror the melancholy of mortals dwarfed by the infinite.

      对于我们普通人来说, 蓝色可以反映在大千世界里显得极其渺小的凡夫俗子的忧郁.

    • Yuxian paper cuts, and a large variety of world and all things which collected Vientiane.


    • How are you ticking over these days? How is the big bad world treating you?

      这些日子你是怎样混过来的? 这罪恶的大千世界是怎样对待你的?

    • I am a fledgling in the Boundless Lane Kitty Hawk, to experience even greater suffering.


    • Listening to music, I will stand on its own illusions to Pass, in Taiqianshijie cosy alive.

      听着音乐, 我会幻想到自己站在山巅, 在大千世界安逸的活着.

    • The world is full of miraculous things , you shouldn't be so easily impressed.

      大千世界无奇不有, 你用不着少见多怪.

    • Dance, depicting the kaleidoscopic and manifoldand exploring board field, is an art that manifests and beauty.

      舞蹈描写大千世界,人间万态,开拓出广阔的领域, 是体现真善美的艺术.

    • A square inch place includes infinite universe , small screen deduction in society all phenomena on earth.

      方寸之地包罗大千世界, 小小荧屏演绎世间万象.



