
汉语拼音:gǎi tǔ



    • After soil improvement, the yield of this land has increased greatly.

      改土后, 这块地的产量大幅提升.

    • Seven years, black stream valley toast, Xigu jurisdiction.

      七年, 黑峪土司改土归流, 西固辖.

    • In the early self - soil improvement to the flow, Lushi Citylink family has ruled the area.

      自明初至民国改土归流, 鲁氏家族一直统治连城一带.

    • Tusi Lianghekou is survived by City, Sangzhi flowsoil , the seat of government offices after the inspection.

      两河口是土司遗城, 桑植“改土归流”后的巡检衙门所在地.