You can line blank paper for writing.
This became known as the streak method for isolating bacteria.
Rule off that column. We'll close the account at that date.
把那一栏用尺划线隔开, 我们把帐结算到那天为止.
The streaked plate is in general the most useful plating method.
He underlined the important words in the article.
We provide fully line - up models of laser marking, cutting, drilling and trimming.
我们提供全面的激光打标 、 切割 、 钻孔和划线设备.
Height gauge is widely used for height measurement, line out in machining.
高度卡尺广泛应用于机械加工中的高度测量 、 划线等.
Inspection distance between draught marks and keel plate after marking out.
Or work for the detection of the plane crossed the base apparatus.
Please make your crossed cheque payable to " Hong Kong Baseball Association ".
划线支票,抬头请用 [ 香港棒球总会 ].
To draw to scale by means of a scale and protractor; plot.
测绘用圆规和量角器划线和角; 标绘.
The lines are supposed to scratched the surface the metal.
Field names can contain only letters, numbers, or the underscore character.
字段名称只能包含字母 、 数字或下划线字符.
Use a clearly contrasting colour for links, and preferably underline them.
链接的颜色应该与网页中其它文本的颜色有个清晰的对比, 最好是使用下划线.
Concurrency violation in at least one row. Underlying values refreshed.
至少在一行中有并发冲突. 下划线值已刷新.