
汉语拼音:liáo hé

中国东北地区南部大河。流贯辽宁省中部,经盘锦市入渤海。长1 390千米。河道迂曲,含沙量大。新民以下可通航。


  1. 中国 东北 地区南部大河,全长1430公里,流域面积16.41万平方公里。

    北周 庾信 《周柱国大将军大都督同州刺史尔绵永神道碑》:“北封 代郡 ,东据 辽河 。” 唐 杜之松 《和卫尉寺柳》:“ 汉 将本屯营, 辽河 有戍城。”《辽史·地理志一》:“南控 黄龙 ,北带 潢水 , 冷陘 屏右, 辽河 堑左。” 郭沫若 《星空·孤竹君之二子》:“他们第二天清早便在 辽河 一带洮河,想洮得你的尸首。”


    • The site, distributed over 2000 m 2, is situated by the Dong Liao River.


    • The casing damage was serious during the thermal production Liaohe Oilfield.


    • It is fit to plant in Liao middle - downriver plain, the South from Shenyang.

      适宜沈阳以南辽河 中下游 平原稻区推广种植.

    • Liaohe basin is a rift basin developed in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic.


    • However, distant river field also is facing the dilemma with degressive resource.

      然而, 辽河油田也面临着资源递减的困境.

    • Gao 81 surveyprospective area, lies in Northern of West Depression, Liaohe Basin.

      高81井区位于辽河盆地西部凹陷北段构造北部, 是具有勘探潜力的新区.

    • Some new catalysts for heavy oil are developed.


    • The relationship between geologic structure and hydrocarbon in Paleogene has been comprehensively analysized in this paper.


    • Yingkou in south shore of Liaohe River, near to Shen - da Highway, and near to Bayuquanin south.

      东临沈大高速公路,南临鲅鱼圈新港, 北靠辽河营口港,交通运输条件极为优越.

    • Tidal Depositon system in ShuangTaiZi River is the main depositional body in modern LiaoHe River delta.


    • Block Du 84 of Liaohe field is a heavy oil block with top - water and edge - water, no bottom - water.

      杜84块是辽河油田稠油区块,馆陶组油层存在边顶水, 无底水,物性条件比较好.

    • The result of geochemical prospecting field data in Liaohe Oilfield shows that this method is feasible.


    • Liaohe Basin is a fault basin of rift valley type formed in Cenozoic Era.


    • The results show that heavy oil can undergo aquathermolysis in steam injection process.


    • Application of accelerant CaCl 2 in deepwell cementing was not allowed for some time in Liaohe Oilfield.
