They were involved, interested, and debates raged across the classroom and the blogospere about various things that came up in the book.
他们参与其中,意兴阑珊,在教室和blogospere里争论着书中出现的各种事件,争得面红耳赤。Nikki began to feel abashed by his praise of her beauty.
他赞美着尼基的美貌,使她羞得面红耳赤。You could have made her colour, any day in the year, by calling her a rank egoist.
在一年的任何一天,你只要说一声她十分自私,就可以把她弄得面红耳赤。It is all too easy to imagine Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton disagreeing messily.
我们大家都不难想象奥巴马和希拉里争得面红耳赤的样子。After hearing what King said, the poor old man went away, flushed with shame and shyness.
老人听了国王的话,面红耳赤的走了。Yesterday eldest Dragon Center, drink a glass of red drink, arrogant remark was that he wanted to mention a couple of bottles of beer.
昨天老大龙涛喝了杯酒后面红耳赤,口出狂言说想当年一两瓶啤酒不在话下。"See here, Heinz, " she shouted in her fervor, seizing the stick that she intended to use to drive away the mice.
她面红耳赤地大叫着,顺手操起那根赶老鼠的根子,“瞧,就这么收拾他!”But the water hole are still being in the front of the company building.
最后,干部职工争得面红耳赤,而水坑在公司办公大楼前依然如故。"Eldest brother Wu, this, this how can? " Sun Hong Yu now and urgently have to redden up to the ears and loudly say.