As the immature egg grew inside the follicle, it produced hormones just as it would inside a woman's body.
随着这个不成熟的卵在卵泡中不断成长,它就会像在女人体内一样产生荷尔蒙。The researchers first created honeycomb-like structures out of donated theca cells, one of the main cell types found in the ovary.
研究人员从捐赠的卵泡膜细胞(子宫中的主要细胞形式之一)中首次创造出蜂窝似的结构。Histological structure of follicular system in yaks during the estrous cycle was similar to that of cattle and buffalo.
结果表明,牦牛发情周期中卵巢卵泡发育的组织结构与其他牛基本相似。Sometimes, while two dominant follicle maturation, both can be released, but only a few hours each time interval.
有时,两个优势卵泡同时成熟,两者都可以释放,但彼此只有数小时的时间间隔。Objective: To observe which system was more suitable for the growth and development of the primordial follicles of neonate rat.
目的:探讨最适宜于大鼠原始卵泡体外生长发育的培养体系。Two or three new cystic follicular waves occurred in each cow during the experimental period.
两个或三个新的囊性卵泡波发生在每个奶牛在试验期。Either of two hormones of the pituitary glanD, luteinizing hormone and follicle - stimulating hormone. No longer in scientific use.
垂体荷尔蒙垂体的两种荷尔蒙的任意一种,促黄体生成激素或保卵泡激素,不再用在科学研究中Activin A might not be responsible for the number of eggs ovulated of goats. The main effect of ACT A may be extention of follicular stage.
推测ACTA主要作用可能是延长卵泡期,对于山羊排卵个数的影响不起主导作用。This area on the back and sides of the head contain healthy follicles, which are genetically programmed not to shed.