the delicious coolness of the water
The cucumbers are crisp and refreshing.
This dish tastes very refreshing.
There was a delicious spring on the northern side of the point.
The lettuce is crisp and cold.
Brilliant ruby color, fruity bouquet, supple and verywith a pleasant finish.
酒体醇厚,泛着红宝石般的色泽, 果香浓郁, 爽口宜人,余味无穷.
The chewable skin protein and collagen, taste funny but delicious.
龙趸皮虽厚,可是却胶质重, 口感爽口,味道十分可爱!
The product , glutinous, taste sweet and has thin peel, but without residue.
本产品色泽纯正,洁白如玉, 粘甜爽口,皮薄无渣.
Local - flavour food, tasty and fresh, has a long - lasting market.
乡土食品, 清滑爽口, 经久不衰.
Characterized by a thin slip face clear, rich and refreshing.
特点是面色清亮薄滑, 味浓爽口.
Biluochun , the famous Chinese tea, is pleasant to the palate.
中国名茶——碧螺春, 清香爽口.
Objective To evaluate the security of Yan shuang oral sucked tablet.
Red Grapefruit is super refreshing and a supreme source of Vitamin C.
The cocktails, our mixers'masterpieces, are pleasant to the palate.
该鸡尾酒清香爽口, 是本店调酒师的杰作.
Cooked when the skin flush white, meat clean crisp, sweet and refreshing.
熟时皮红透白, 肉清白脆嫩, 清甜爽口.