
汉语拼音:cháng jiāng



  1. 泛指长的江流。

    宋 曾巩 《道山亭记》:“ 福州 治 侯官 ……其地於 闽 为最平以广,四出之山皆远,而长江在其南,大海在其东。”

  2. 水名。古专称 江 ,后以江为大川的通称,始称 长江 。发源于 唐古拉山脉 主峰 格拉丹东雪山 西南侧的 沱沱河 。流经 青海 、 西藏 、 四川 、 云南 、 湖北 、 湖南 、 江西 、 安徽 、 江苏 等省区,在 上海市 入 东海 。全长6300公里,为 中国 第一大河,世界第三大河。


  • Thousands of bodies were dumped into the Yangtze. It was the river red with blood Chang had heard about as a child.


  • The next day we went through the ig gorges on the Yangtze River. It was a lovely morning as we went through the Wu Gorge.


  • Or when he was shown over the great Nanjing bridge, built where the ferries used to carry trains across the Changjiang River.


  • "But for part of this line we've had to go down 50 meters because there's high pressure and a lot of mud from the river, " he said.


  • within 72 hours after their surrender, they were killed in groups by machine gun fire along the bank of the Yangtze River.


  • To its opponents, China's Three Gorges dam on the Yangtze River is all the more tragic because it has a historical precedent.


  • He says the huge population living downstream along the Yangtze River would be threatened if there was a nuclear accident.


  • Only the dark river and the sky of stars, tells of the endless rolling in the Yangtze River East PASSING story.


  • The long-nosed baiji had been critically endangered for years, due to pollution, overfishing and shipping along the Yangtze river.
