He felt more like crying, for Wu Sun - fu's smile cut him to the quick.
他心里却只要哭, 他觉得吴荪 甫 的微笑就像一把尖刀.
Lost is the beautiful ears, tingling in their hearts to the knife.
耳边是遗失的美好, 心里是刺痛的尖刀.
A striker? What did you say his name was?
尖刀人物? 你说他叫什么?
NO . 11 blade use for cut tract, vessel, nerve and heart.
尖刀片用于切开胃肠道, 血管, 神经器官及心脏社团.
Naraxi pig - sticker. Knew it would come in useful one day!
Naraxi铁尖刀. 我就知道有一天会用到它!
Scots are injured each year by using sharp knives instead of screwdrivers.
Dagger - like hills, white fog, mist, the looming of a long line.
尖刀似的小山, 挑着几缕乳白色的雾, 雾霭里, 隐约可见一根细长的线.
The army knifed into the town.
The matador profiled, his thin silver blade raised.
斗牛士左肩对着牛, 举起他的锋利的银色尖刀.
He fears the lancet of my art as I fear that of his . The cold steelpen.
The bayonet squad made a surprise attack and wiped out the enemy's command post.
The dialogue is stilted, terse and bare , like the syncopated sparks of sharpening knives.
对白夸张精炼 、 直截了当, 犹如一把擦出火花的锋利尖刀.
He tested it against the keyhole; It'slid into the aperture with room to spare.
他试着把这尖刀插进锁孔里; 尖刀滑入了这个空隙.
His ambiguous language, virtually like a knife inserted into the atrium of the girls.
他的言语暧昧, 无形中就像壹把尖刀插进了女孩的心房.
Morgenes wiggled the pig - sticker for a moment, then stepped back and counted on his fingers.
Morgenes将尖刀摆动了一会儿, 退后一步数着手指.