汉语拼音:dú shù yī zhì
- 【解释】:树:立;帜:旗帜。单独树起一面旗帜。比喻独特新奇,自成一家。
- 【出自】:清·袁枚《随园诗话》卷三:“元、白在唐朝所以能独树一帜者,正为其不袭盛唐窠臼也。”
- 【示例】:苏轼也擅长书法,他取法颜真卿,但能~,与蔡襄、黄庭坚、米芾并称宋代四大家。
- 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、定语;含褒义
"China is out on its own, far ahead of the pack, " said James Wilsdon, of the Royal Society in London.
“中国独树一帜,远远领先于群雄。”伦敦皇家学会的詹姆斯·威尔斯顿说。Schmeichel was an imposing presence in the United goal, with a bravery that made the very most of his considerable natural talent.
舒梅切尔在曼联的门将历史上是个绝对称得上独树一帜,他的胆识成就了他无与伦比的天赋以及技能。Data and policy moves over the last week have driven home the point that China is increasingly in a league of its own.
上周公布的数据和政策动向告诉我们,中国日趋独树一帜。But even if it isn't Tibet, the countryside all around the town still feels quite different from the rest of Yunnan.
但就算这里不是西藏,比起云南的其它地方,这整个镇子都让人觉患上独树一帜。The architecturally unique Sydney Opera House seemed to the computer to be similar to a hotel in Mississippi as well as a bridge in London.
电脑看来,在建筑师上独树一帜的悉尼歌剧院非常像密西西比的一个酒店,也同样的像是伦敦的一个桥。For a company of its size, ITW is unique in that decision-making is highly devolved down to its individual businesses.
就它的规模来说,伊利诺斯工具公司在下放决策权方面可谓独树一帜。The fame of Washington stands apart from every other in history shining with a truer lustre and a more benignant glory.
华盛顿在历史人物中独树一帜。他的声望放射出更为纯正的异彩和更为慈祥的光辉。James Wood, a British critic who teaches at Harvard, is one of a number of reviewers who have singled out Mr Cole's work.
在哈佛任教的英国书评家,詹姆斯.伍德是众多评论家中认为科勒的小说独树一帜的其中一人。To be generally acknowledged, the German scholar Sigmund Freud is the forerunner in the study of sex abnormality with his unique views.