
  1. 古代武官名。始于 战国 , 汉 代沿置,为将军最高称号,多由贵戚担任,统兵征战并掌握政权,职位极高。

    三国 至 南北朝 ,战事频繁,当朝大臣多兼大将军官号。 隋 左右武卫、左右武侯等各置大将军,为禁军高级武官。 唐 左右羽林、左右龙武军、十六卫亦置大将军,其职与 隋 略同。 宋 代十六卫大将军已成空衔。

  2. 古代武官名。自 唐 至 元 ,武散官有大将军。

  3. 古代武官名。

    明 清 两代于战时设大将军,统兵作战,战后即废。

  4. 明 代称由西洋传进的一种大炮。

    《明史·兵志四》:“至 嘉靖 八年,始从右都御史 河鋐 言,造 佛郎机 礮,谓之‘大将军’……以铜为之,长五六尺,大者重千餘斤,小者百五十斤,巨腹长颈,腹有修孔。以子銃五枚,贮药置腹中,发及百餘丈,最利水战。”


    • Guanzhi major general, the government instrument with three Division.

      官至骠骑大将军 、 开府仪同三司.

    • General big injury, the Wizards veteran Daniels will assume command great.

      大将军伤停, 奇才老将丹尼尔斯将承担指挥大任.

    • He makes himself Shogun, or " commander - in - chief for suppressing barbarians "

      他自封幕府将军 “ 征夷大将军 ”

    • The general summoned a group of scholars at different levels.


    • The congress commissioned Lafayette a Major General.


    • So Emperor Wudi made up his mindand appointed Du Yu the Grand General the south.


    • Chief Minister Yang Guozhong , cousin of Yang GuiFei, clashes with Lushan and they become sworn enemies.


    • I'll have to ask Gil the next time I bump into him on the street somewhere.


    • Most prominent is her support of barbarian general An Lushan , who quickly accumulates great power.

      她还任命安禄山为大将军, 使其迅速积累力量.

    • It happened theAutumn Period . The state of Zheng started an attack against the state of Song.

      春秋时期, 郑国攻打宋国,宋国大将军华元率军迎战.

    • He is a very experienced general and has made great contributions in battles.
