
汉语拼音:shǒu bǎn



  1. 亦作“ 手版 ”。即笏。古时大臣朝见时,用以指画或记事的狭长板子。

    《晋书·谢安传》:“既见 温 , 坦之 流汗沾衣,倒执手板。”《宋书·礼志五》:“笏者,有事则书之……手板,则古笏矣。” 唐 韩愈 《卢郎中云夫寄示送盘谷子诗两章歌以和之》:“行抽手版付丞相,不待弹劾还耕桑。” 清 吴伟业 《赠家侍御雪航》诗:“却拜极言疏,手板指朝贵。”

  2. 亦作“ 手版 ”。手本的别名。

    清 恽敬 《与李汀州书》:“八月初一日得手书,掷还手版,命此后并此去之,敬当如命。”《老残游记》第十八回:“ 子谨 递上手版,赶到面前请了个安。”参见“ 手本 ”。

  3. 手掌。

    周立波 《山乡巨变》上二四:“他的挑战引起了一阵阵热烈的拍手, 盛佳秀 的手板拍红了。”

  4. 即戒尺。打手心的板子。旧时塾师体罚学生的工具。


    • He sat down, lit his cigar and clapped his hands rather gloomily.

      他坐了下来, 点着了雪茄,不高兴地拍了三下手板.

    • I played different positions and didn't start pitching until high school.


    • Aluminum - magnesium alloy board production.


    • We supply designing of hand - board , planning of product structure, plastic forming, 3 D output and CNC processing.

      提供手板工程设计, 产品结构开发, 塑胶注塑成型及产品3D抄数输出,CNC加工.

    • My company is good at making any kind of toy mould, plastic mould sample and prototype.

      本公司擅长设计和制作各种玩具模具, 塑料模具,手板模型和生产大货.

    • The pitchers job is to throw the ball to the catcher - the man behind the plate.


    • Any kind of plastic newly prototype and mould mass production can be make by us.


    • The company mainly produces hand garden tools, products: Shouban saws, folding saw, such as health folder.

      本公司主要生产手动园林工具, 产品有: 手板锯 、 折叠锯 、 卫生夹等.

    • The factory is set Shouban of toys designed model, like wax, plaster - like Office, PU - run production.

      本厂是集玩具工艺手板设计制作模型, 蜡样, 石膏样办, PU样办制作.