Keep the dictionary on your desk for your reference.
A display of a list of available machine functions for selection by operator.
Doesn't give them any of it : shew wine : only the other.
The Marshal Zhao is worshiped on the altar at their home.
The water system is two - pipe and upper supply and upper return system.
We'll put a selection of preserves on your tray.
The availability of non - booked taxis on the road may be reduced.
在道路上供市民乘搭的 非 预约的的士可能会减少.
We serve ice cream in individual portion.
我们按份(供一人食用)供应冰激凌(我们端上供每个人吃的冰激凌. )
The Internet search company is putting books online that are no longer protected by copyright.
The museum is a collection of mechanical games once played in salons , carnivals and boardwalk arcades.
We will have some evenings free, that is, if it is all right with you.
如果你们愿意的话, 我们想留几个晚上供你们自由支配.
On the first and fifteenth of every month , mother and son burned incense before earthen idols.
每逢初一、五, 母子俩便给泥菩萨烧香上供.
On the first and fifteenth of every month , mother and son burned incense earthen idols.
每逢初一、十五, 母子俩便给泥菩萨烧香上供.