Monitor electrical loads power distribution lines and promptly fill out on - duty records.
Then makexuan fu Sichuan, Wu Lin immediately deployed forces , shunt resistance.
时任四川宣抚使的吴璘急忙调兵遣将, 分路抵抗.
Jack box is used for branching on the bus leading power.
Potential application in optical switches, repeaters or splitters is discussed.
讨论了将这种系统应用于光学开关 、 中继及分路器件的可能性.
Defective shunting of track circuit constitutes a huge hidden trouble to the transportation production.
There are two kinds of this distribution box: with master switch and without master switch.
Alternatively a shunt is used to prevent overcharging once the load reaches the predetermined voltage.
He stopped at the filling station to get some petrol before going on to the motorway.
A real - time synchro - division set is provided, that can receive high speed telemetric baseband signals from spacecraft.
The control functions for flying shears , auxiliary guide path , multichannel device , etc. are described espeially.
着重介绍了飞剪 、 辅助导槽和分路器等的控制功能.
Can accept external shunt signal for optional charge control with widely warning loads.