Using traditional methods poor farmers can be virtually self-sufficient.
The Prime Minister called for more economic self-reliance.
Where once she had been totally self-sufficient, she now had to survive on income support.
But throughout the colonies, people relied primarily on small farms and self - sufficiency .
但就整个殖民地来说, 人们主要依靠小型农场,过着 自给自足 的生活.
This enabled the country to become self-sufficient in sugar.
Their farms were largely, but not entirely, self - sufficient .
他们的农场虽然不是百分之百的 自给自足, 但大体上是如此.
China has traditionally been the self - sufficient , self - contained " Middle Kingdom. "
中国历来是 自给自足 的 “ 中史之国. ”
They have made great strides towards self - sufficiency .
他们在 自给自足 方面已取得了很大的进步.
Mexico is self - sufficient in oil.
墨西哥在石油方面可 自给自足.
Factories and cities are more complex organisms self - sufficient villages.
工厂和城市是比 自给自足 的村庄更复杂的机体.
Nowadays, IKEA is often seen as having connotations of self - sufficiency .
现在, “宜家”经常被视为具有 自给自足 的内涵.
La Chine, elle , é tait autosuffisante en p é trole jusqu'en 1993.
What the farmer values still is the cash income beyond autarky.
Sustainable agriculture is a major goal at these colleges.
The university is like a self - contained city with shops and all amenities.