he took , when he was a school - boy , to constructing steam - engines out of saucepans.
当他还是个小学生的时候,他就喜欢用小锅做蒸汽机。They said the seawater was likely polluted by rain or steam that trapped the radiation in the sky near the plant, then fell into the water.
他们说,附近海水污染可能是雨水或水蒸汽造成的,它们吸附了核电站附近上空的辐射,然后落入海里。The heat is then used to turn a steam generator to generate electricity in a central plant.
然后,这种热能把曾经的蒸汽发电转成工厂中心的发电。Most people know electricity standing still is no more useful than is a stationary belt between a steam engine and a machine to be driven.
大多数人认为,停滞不动的电并不比架设在蒸汽机和要被传动的机器之间的固定带更有用。Pressurized water vapor used for heating, cooking, or to provide mechanical power.
压力蒸汽:用于加热、烹调或提供机械动力的加压水蒸汽。The result of the invention of the steam engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical power.
蒸汽机发明的结果是机械力代替了人力。Mr. Hasan brought over an air mattress, a steamer and men's clothing for her husband, some still in dry cleaning bags marked "Hasan. "
他带过来的东西包括一个充气床垫,一台蒸汽吸尘器,给她丈夫的一些男式衣服(其中有些还装在标有哈桑名字的干洗袋内)。(Kusenko likens it to "a bullet passing through a cloud of vapor. " ) And if it runs into a neutron star?
(Kusenko把这比作“一颗子弹穿过一层蒸汽”)那么它跑进中子星会发生什么呢?If that hill didn't change its shape on bad nights there would be an awful steamboat grave-yard around here inside of a year.