Prisons and reform - through - labour institutions have special reception rooms where prisoners can meet with their family members.
监狱、 劳改 场所设有专门接见室供罪犯与家属见面使用.
At present, the Reform - through - Labour Newspaper has a circulation of 224,000 within the prisons.
目前, 狱内 劳改 报的发行量为22.4万份.
You ever think maybe the system works sometimes?
那你不觉得有时候劳改系统是有效果的 吗 ?
People that are guilty of war crimes are sent to labor camps.
The offender is usually placed under the guidance of a parole officer.
Each city and province maintains its own camp.
He was doing time for a petty crime.
China has many camps for political prisoners.
The prisoners who had missed from the place of labour were picked up within 24 hours.
We feared that at any moment we could be sent a labour camp.
Shortly before the war's end, Solzhenitsyn arrested and sentenced to eight years in the labour camps.
战争结束前不久, 索尔仁尼琴被逮捕,并被处以八年徒刑,投入劳改营.
Reform - through - labour institutions actively encourage family members of prisoners to take part in the persuasion process.
劳改 机关积极发动在押罪犯的家属参与对罪犯的感化工作.