They plundered and burned the market town of Leominster.
The town burgeoned into a city.
Most of these market towns are at the junctions of valleys.
Multiply a post - by - town, named Town Tigers.
后 逐 繁衍成集镇, 取名虎啸桥镇.
The economy of the country fairs and towns developed greatly in the period.
All this was contrasted with the egocentric, hedonist , carefree existence of the man - about - town.
这一切, 又是对比与自我中心, 无忧无虑的存在人为约集镇.
Zhao , also known as farmers, alias ShouShou - shan, lin chen, small town village Zhaozhuang.
又名赵友农, 化名赵寿山(绶珊) 、 林辰, 小集镇赵庄村人.
Huang Ou estuary town of the north shore of the port town Yueqing Bay.
Spring and Autumn has become a market town to becomechang ping zhi zhan Jun center.
Furthermore , more than half this grain is sold back to the villages and nearby towns.
Having another name of Guihua temple, Songzanlin temple is a architecture group like a market town.
This shows that as early as the Ming Dynasty, this is an important town of Lijiang.
由此可见,早在明代, 这里已是丽江的重要集镇了.