汉语拼音:chū lèi bá cuì
《孟子·公孙丑上》:“出于其类,拔乎其萃。” 指超出一般(多用于形容品德、才能)。出:超越。拔:超出。萃(cuì):草丛生的样子,比喻成群的人或物。
- 【解释】:拔:超出;类:同类;萃:原为草丛生的样子,引伸为聚集。超出同类之上。多指人的品德才能。
- 【出自】:《孟子·公孙丑上》:“出于其类,拔乎其萃,自生民以来,未有盛于孔子也。”
- 【示例】:而在那海一样的人民当中,到处都有~的劳动英雄,这些英雄本身就是人民当中开出的鲜艳花朵。
◎杨朔《迎春词》 - 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含褒义,用于人或事物
She was not beautiful. Nothing about her was extraordinary. Nothing about her made her stand out in a crowd.
她不漂亮,一点也没有特别之处,没什么让她出类拔萃。Recently Hope College lost one of its distinguished alumni. Before he died they were able to give him an award.
最近希望大学痛失一位出类拔萃的校友,他们还来不及颁给他一项殊荣。From the beginning, it was evident that this boy was to be drawn to writing and the sound of words.
这个孩子从一开始就表现出对写作和声韵的出类拔萃。The girl is just 17, but she has risen through the ranks of her classmates and is clearly one of our school's top pupils.
这个女孩才刚刚17岁。但在同龄人中,她出类拔萃,很明显是我们学校的高才生。Take Michael Jordan, for instance, it's easy to see his grades and ignored him to make out on the pitch to pay the price of blood and sweat.
就拿迈克尔。乔丹来说吧,人们很容易看到他的成绩就而忽视了他为使自己出类拔萃而在球场上付出的血与汗的代价。Margaret shone as one of the brighter pupils in her year, and was very soon put up a form.
玛格丽特学习突出,在同年级学生中出类拔萃,很快就向上跳了一级。My father was an exceptional man. He may not been a perfect man. But he was a good man. And he loved us.
我的父亲是一个出类拔萃的人。他可能并不十分完美,但他是一个好人。他爱我们。Her abilities carried her to the top of her profession.
她的才能使她在本行业中出类拔萃。As he stood in front of the group of high-powered over-achievers he said, "Okay, time for a quiz. "