汉语拼音:zhǎn cǎo chú gēn
- 【解释】:除草时要连根除掉,使草不能再长。比喻除去祸根,以免后患。
- 【出自】:《左传·隐公六年》:“为国家者,见恶如农夫之务去草焉,芟夷蕰崇之,绝其本根,勿使能殖,则善者信矣。”北齐·魏收《为侯景叛移梁朝文》:“若抽薪止沸,剪草除根。”
- 【示例】:~,萌芽不发;斩草若不除根,春至萌芽再发。
◎明·冯梦龙《警世通言》卷三十七 - 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、宾语;指彻底成事
No doubt about it. Look, we print this whoever killed Allie is going to want your father out of the way, too.
不容置疑。但想想,如果我们这么报道了,杀了Allie的人还会把你父亲干掉斩草除根。They have no friend Iolaus to burn with a hot iron the root of the hydra's head, but as soon as one head is crushed, two spring up.
他们没有Iolaus这样的朋友帮他们用滚烫的烙铁把九头蛇怪的脑袋斩草除根,于是刚打碎一个脑袋,又长出来两个。Sin was never uprooted and all they received was an experience of ecstasy.
他们的罪恶从未被斩草除根,他们所得著只不过是一些兴奋的经历而已。Some respond by taking the journey to worship, while others may respond by taking up the sword to eliminate.
有些人的回应是开始一段敬拜的旅程,然而其他人的反应可能是斩草除根。As a result of physical reasons for the Doudou, who recommended in the professional under the guidance of conditioning before Zhancaochugen.
如因身体原因出现的痘痘,建议在专业人士指导下进行调理,方可斩草除根。The atlas should help the eradication fight by letting health officials know just where the problem areas are.
而这些地图集刚好能帮助卫生局高清楚问题地区所在,然后将虫虫们斩草除根。They truly believed that to remain was to risk extermination.
他们确实相信留下来需冒着斩草除根的风险。YAN Shi-Ming Fan (Law Lok Lam) to exclude dissidents Yang Jisheng, subsequently fed killer sent - "13 Dead Shaw" to the Yang extermination.
明朝严世藩(罗乐林)为排除异己杨继盛,遂派出豢养的杀手-「十三死肖」往杨家斩草除根。I wrote this essay because I was tired of hearing "taste is subjective" and wanted to kill it once and for all.