She's accused of trying to kill another woman in a romantic dispute. She was charged with attempted murder in Florida.
因感情纠葛,她企图谋杀另一女子,在佛罗里达州被提起谋杀未遂的指控。pictures and designs should be registered, and to be the only legitimate users , to avoid as food unnecessary disputes security issues.
图片及外观设计停止注册,成为独一的合法运用者,防止呈现由于食品平安问题带来不用要的纠葛。It's hoped that this would avoid the usual wrangling and emotional turmoil experienced by families going through a divorce.
希望这种做法可以避免离婚家庭常见的纠纷和情感纠葛等问题。She did not mean to have her own affections entangled again, and it would be incumbent on her to avoid any encouragement of his.
爱玛不打算再卷入感情的纠葛之中,也有责任别去激励他的痴情。However, I find doing some of these things early on can really help you solve the problem faster and with less struggle and pain.
然而尽早用到一些这样的方法真的可以帮助你更快解决麻烦,免去不少纠葛和痛苦。They do not want political entanglements, or concentrated bets of the sort in which Mr Soros used to specialise.
它们不希望遇到政治纠葛,也不希望看到索罗斯曾经专精的那种孤注一掷式的押注。If the heart into dust, disputes due to feeling; like a dream like clouds, smile happily.
心若惹尘,纠葛多因情;梦似霓裳,莞尔笑云空。Issues with your father or your father figure may need to be resolved. You may often have difficulty relating to men due to this conflict.
你需要解决与父亲或象征父亲形象的人之间的纠葛,或许正因为这种冲突的存在,使得你无法正常自如地和男性打交道。The company cited business-conduct violations related to a relationship with a contractor.