The factors which affect rock type are random and fuzzy.
MPa and nearly horizontal, the jacking strength is about 6.
最小主应力状态为近水平; 测点洞段围岩的抗劈裂强度一般为6.
Under this condition, the field measuring displacement actually reflects the viscoelastic - plastic character.
在这种情况下, 工程开挖后的现场量测位移,实际上反映了围岩的粘弹塑性特性.
Host - rock alteration is made up of retrograde and mineralized alteration.
At the same time, the spatial distribution of deformation modulus is obtained.
最后, 初步得出了此巷道围岩变形模量的空间分布规律.
Must open original trash hole and country rock segregation.
We confirmed reasonable support parameters in terms of theory of broken - rock circle.
Thirdly , the process of tunnel excavation was simulated by employing numerical method.
在工程类比基础上, 运用数值计算方法,模拟隧道开挖过程,分析围岩稳定性.
Theyas reference for design and construction of similar tunnels.
Give collectivity distortion trend in zone of swelling wall rock tunnel.
So, stability of rock mass around underground cavern grows more remarkable.
因此, 地下洞室的围岩稳定性问题就变得尤为突出.
The test results also indicate that the restraint of the surrounding rock has scale effect.
So, the steel fiber reinforced concrete shotcrete is more suitable in large displacement conditions.
因此, 钢纤维喷射混凝土作为初期支护更适合用在围岩大变形的场合.
Rockbursts in coal mines are dynamic failure rockopening or excavation . Its mechanism is very complex.
冲击地压是矿山工程中一种特殊的围岩破坏现象, 发生机理十分复杂.
Direct to the shortage existing in the classification of surrounding rock stability, provide a new method.
针对目前围岩稳定性分类方法存在的不足, 给出一新的分类法.