汉语拼音:dāng rén bù ràng
遇到该做 的事情,主动去做,不推辞。《论语 卫灵公》:“当仁不让于师。” 仁:仁义,引申为应该做的事。
- 【解释】:原指以仁为任,无所谦让。后指遇到应该做的事就积极主动去做,不推让。
- 【出自】:《论语·卫灵公》:“子曰:‘当仁,不让于师。’”
- 【示例】:人家骂小弟鱼肉乡愚,这句话仔细想来,在小弟却是~。
◎清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第十七回 - 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、状语、定语;指该做就做
This time the referee did agree a player had been illegally brought down and Rooney duly scored with an emphatic shot.
这一次,裁判相信是有球员被非法放倒,而鲁尼当仁不让将球大力罚入网内。And Moulin Rouge, Starring two of my favorite artists, Nicole and Evan, came out as the king of the musicals for me.
而《红磨坊》,有着两位我最推崇的演员尼克基德曼和伊万麦克格里格挑梁的影片,当仁不让的成为了这些音乐剧中我的最爱。The United States, with its tradition of combining strong religious beliefs and religious freedom, is well placed to make that case.
美国以他良好的传统,将强烈的宗教信仰和宗教自由合而为一,当仁不让的成为个案例。Are play in the industry known as "eat crabs" Tong Kun group, in terms of eliminating backward nature is the yield to nobody.
被业内戏称为“勇吃大螃蟹”的桐昆集团,在淘汰落后方面自然是当仁不让。She had now the right to be his helpmate in his all kind deeds .
现在,她已成了他一切仁慈行为当仁不让的助手。You are truly the heroes of the hour and your rewards for such a powerful stance are soon to manifest.
你们都是当仁不让的时间勇者,你们将以这强大的立场而很快得到回报。It may still be dusting the rubble of the global economic collapse off itself, but Iceland is king when it comes to gender equality.
虽然冰岛或许仍在应对全球经济衰退对它产生的影响,但在性别平等的问题上,它却是当仁不让的王者。Then Manuel Marulanda, the FARC's founder and undisputed leader, died, supposedly of a heart attack.
接着,哥伦比亚革命武装力量的创立者和当仁不让的领导人ManuelMarulanda去逝,据推测是死于心脏病发作。Then Xia Xiaoyu ignited the hearts avenging flame, firmly decided to replace the sisters to Taiwan to arrest a person.