And when will you make your fortune and build a foreign - style house?
你什么时候发财也盖上洋房 呢 ?
Products include high - rise residential, gardens, single - family villas, row villas , commercial, as concentrated.
产品包括高层住宅 、 花园洋房 、 独栋别墅 、 联排别墅 、 集中商业等.
House Covered Area includes the Saleable Area and area of carport.
Garden house, a rare low - density residential within the inner ring.
上海滩花园洋房, 内环内少有的 低密度 住宅.
Garden house, remodeling the old Shanghai style.
花园洋房, 重塑老上海风情.
Moved to a bungalow at Balmoral Road.
They bought a Western - style building with a garden.
Sometimes you see rows and rows of houses and they're all exactly the same!
The environment is good, and upon entering House you will find an immense tract.
这里环境很好啊, 进去就是一大片绿地,老式洋房,舒服的说.
House Area includes the House Covered Area and the Apportioned Share of Common Area the House.
It's near the Xiang Yang Park and Xin Le Road. That house with a.
靠近向阳公园和新乐路的花园洋房. 使用面积近五十平方米,适合老外居住.
She moved to the gardens from the hostel, moved from the dormitory area.
她从花园洋房搬到了宿舍, 又从宿舍搬到了小区.