
汉语拼音:yáng fáng



  1. 欧 美 式样的房屋。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四九回:“就在 五马路 租定了一所洋房,取名叫景华洋行。” 茅盾 《子夜》十二:“那五开间三层楼的大洋房就只三层楼上有两个窗洞里射出灯光。”


    • And when will you make your fortune and build a foreign - style house?

      你什么时候发财也盖上洋房 呢 ?

    • Products include high - rise residential, gardens, single - family villas, row villas , commercial, as concentrated.

      产品包括高层住宅 、 花园洋房 、 独栋别墅 、 联排别墅 、 集中商业等.

    • House Covered Area includes the Saleable Area and area of carport.


    • Garden house, a rare low - density residential within the inner ring.

      上海滩花园洋房, 内环内少有的 低密度 住宅.

    • Garden house, remodeling the old Shanghai style.

      花园洋房, 重塑老上海风情.

    • Moved to a bungalow at Balmoral Road.


    • They bought a Western - style building with a garden.


    • Sometimes you see rows and rows of houses and they're all exactly the same!


    • The environment is good, and upon entering House you will find an immense tract.

      这里环境很好啊, 进去就是一大片绿地,老式洋房,舒服的说.

    • House Area includes the House Covered Area and the Apportioned Share of Common Area the House.


    • It's near the Xiang Yang Park and Xin Le Road. That house with a.

      靠近向阳公园和新乐路的花园洋房. 使用面积近五十平方米,适合老外居住.

    • She moved to the gardens from the hostel, moved from the dormitory area.

      她从花园洋房搬到了宿舍, 又从宿舍搬到了小区.