Many of them placed self-interest before the common good.
Every employee must make his or her personal contribution to improving safety.
His style is more inclined to Yuan Mei in writing.
You rarely see an athlete who single - handedly changes an entire sport.
China cannot rescue the world economy on its own.
This is my 4 th response to Luk's Chen Dan Bian ( single whip ) demo .
这是回应陆兄陈式单 鞭 的讨论.表达一己之见.
Self - interest governs all his actions.
Selfishness provokes war. Hatred rouses generations of calamity.
一己的私欲可以引起战端, 一念的仇恨可以祸延子孙.
As Hon Hai grew too large for one person to manage directly, Mr.
All of us in Rotary are ordinary people with busy lives, striving to do our best.
我们所有扶轮人都是生活忙碌, 努力尽一己之力的普通人.
He reared and plunged, burst ropes and strapsand nearly flung the cart into the Missouri.
它上窜下跳, 拖着缰绳,差点凭一己之力把马车丢进密苏里河.
Rooney overwhelms a match with himself, with a nature that is as startling as his skills.
With almost impossible for them to see you put the Lakers into the playoffs.
So they were in fact stealing time to selfishly expand their own political purposes.
No matter how gifted, you are alone cannot change the world.
无论是多伟大的天才, 都无法仅凭一己之力改变世界.